Final Task: Animation memes
My original idea was to make a bunch of animation memes that I like, post them online and see how they do. I don't post anything to my youtube account and I hardly leave any comments, so it sounded like an interesting idea to see how many, or well, little views the videos would get! At school, we had talked about "15 minutes of fame" and how quickly something very simple can become famous. It instantly made me think about my Tumblr account, which I mainly use to read fanfiction and follow fanart of book series that I like. I posted some fanart I drew about an old niche dog manga series in there in late July and early August. I didn't really post them to show them for people there, I mainly needed a place to host the image so I could show them in a forum where I talk with other people who like this series. Surprisingly, my art from 5 months ago still gets likes and reblogs! I haven't posted anything in there since but my images still get traction! And I th...