Final Task: Animation memes

My original idea was to make a bunch of animation memes that I like, post them online and see how they do. I don't post anything to my youtube account and I hardly leave any comments, so it sounded like an interesting idea to see how many, or well, little views the videos would get! 

At school, we had talked about "15 minutes of fame" and how quickly something very simple can become famous. It instantly made me think about my Tumblr account, which I mainly use to read fanfiction and follow fanart of book series that I like. I posted some fanart I drew about an old niche dog manga series in there in late July and early August. I didn't really post them to show them for people there, I mainly needed a place to host the image so I could show them in a forum where I talk with other people who like this series. Surprisingly, my art from 5 months ago still gets likes and reblogs! I haven't posted anything in there since but my images still get traction! And I think 150-200 likes per image is a lot considering I'm pretty much invisible on the site.

So I wanted to try and see what would happen if the content I made and posted wasn't targetted at such a small and niche community that is starving for content! 
WELL... Unfortunately, I hadn't realized I would get as busy as I did with all the other final tasks for different classes. After killing my wrist puking out the animation course's final task the allnighters forced me to heavily downgrade my project...  I only ended up making 1 very simple meme and what's worse, I forgot to make the video public after a day! Hahaha...

The process of making the meme itself was quite simple. First I watched what others had done with the meme. That way I could decide which parts to keep the same and which parts to give my own twist.

I decided to keep mine fairly simple since I was running out of time. I drew 11 individual pictures in total for the meme. I was pretty free to make any kind of poses for the 8 images that depicted only 1 of the characters, but for the 3 images that created the "dancing" sequence, I had to make sure some of the limbs and paws stayed at the same position. Maybe it was because I was tired, but that part took me a little longer than I would have liked. But with a little bit of sketching, I worked everything out so the meme could look decent.

Editing the video was fun, very fun in fact, but at that point, my eyes were so tired my vision was blurry. Getting the timing of the images right was a bit of a challenge but worked out okay in the end. It had been a while since I edited a video using Adobe Premiere since I used After Effects to edit the animation class' project. 

Overall I'm proud of the end result. It, of course, could be more polished. Next time I will start working on final tasks the day we hear the assignments to assure I have the time to finish them without sacrificing my sleep!

The views? Well.. As expected there are hardly any. At the time of me posting this blog, there are only 11 and I'm pretty sure the majority of those are from my classmates checking the final task linked on moodle! XD


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